Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hazel's tasty heels

Lately I’ve been visiting Hazel’s, which is a bread place in the eatery on campus. They sell a thick slice of bread with a topping for less than $1.50 and it’s amazing. Well yesterday morning, just before catching the bus, I went to Hazel’s because I was starving. On the counter, I saw a bag of what looked to be bread heels. I looked at the menu.

ME: So...this is two dollars?

LADY WORKER: Yeah. It’s a really good deal. You get every kind of bread, so it’s great for sampling if you don’t know what you want.

I purchased the bag, some raspberry butter, and some cinnamon honey butter all for less than $3! It was amazing. And the best part of it all is that Karen ate several slices when I got home because she liked it so much. She wasn’t able to keep much down today, so it was amazing that she could eat the bread and enjoy it.


  1. Oh this is such good news. I love hearing about something Karen can eat.

    1. I know! As helpless as I feel in not being able to fix her nausea problem, getting her something she can keep down is a win to me.

  2. Yes! And the bread is delicious, too. As advertised.
    I like that it isn't too sweet. It's just . . . stable. As in, I feel like it helps stabilize my stomach.

    I still think you should buy this bag o' heels every week.

    And I want to try their Asiago bread with the sun-ripened tomato butter. (Or whatever it is.)

  3. I loved getting that bread when I was in school! I had no idea they're still around.

    1. I had no idea they weren't new. Well, they're new to me.
