Sunday, January 27, 2013

Neat hair and an honest shirt

Jim Cangelosi, my algebraic structures professor, is a very animated, very interesting guy. During Friday’s class, he stopped mid-sentence and turned to me and said, “You have really neat hair.” He paused. “Unlike Jaylee’s hair, which is just...pretty. Yours is neat and pretty, but Jaylee’s is just pretty.”

After class, Jim and I had an interesting exchange.

JIM: That’s an honest shirt.

He was referring to my Utah State Aggies hoodie.

ME: ...Thank you. I’m not sure what that means, but I’ll take it as a compliment.

JIM: It is.


  1. You have always had neat hair. You were the only one of my 4 who cared about your hair even in kindergarten. You would stand in front of the mirror back then till you got it right.

    1. During or after my mission, I felt ashamed that I ever cared about my looks so much. I remember feeling so embarrassed if I didn't even have a belt on for church. Now, I'm more self-confident, but there's obviously still a huge part of me that worries about tidiness.
