Monday, January 14, 2013

Too cold for snow is too cold for me

Nine degrees below zero at 6:40 this morning. That’s when you step outside your apartment and walk only a block before your nostrils freeze over. At least, that’s what happened to me. It’s not something I can describe very well, other than to say that in that moment of frozen nostrils I was shocked that the university allows chaps like me to get up and go to school on such days and at such times. They should say, “Oh, you’re from California? You get an A for the day. Stay home and get some rest.” Unfortunately, the university doesn't agree with me. (You can imagine the complete bewilderment I feel when I see people wearing shorts on campus and the temperature outside isn’t even a positive number.)

It's too cold to snow, but the upside is that it has snowed recently. Moisture's a good thing.


  1. I think anything below 30 is just silly.

  2. Do you have thermals you could wear?

    1. Actually, yes. I have a rough rule: if the high for the day is 25 degrees or less, thermals are a must in Logan. And that pretty much covers all of January, I'm finding. We'll see how February and March turn out.

    2. Sometimes it depends on the low for the day, though. Because I usually leave the house when the low is happening (early morning). So...I basically wear thermals all the time right now.
