Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday, Friday, happy days

Yesterday was the first day of school after spring break. During my analysis class, Dr. Heal asked if there were any questions on the homework due Wednesday. Of course, no one worked on the homework during spring break—and I think he declared something to that effect because he knew it must be true. No one said anything. After a moment of silence...

DR. HEAL: Okay, well let’s talk more about sequences then.

(more silence as he readies his lecture notes)

ME: I have a question about the homework, actually.
DR. HEAL: Okay.
ME: Can we turn it in Friday so we can ask questions about it on Wednesday?
DR. HEAL: Well, Tyler, I don’t know.

He considered it for a moment...and went with it! I was very happy about this, as were my classmates (as you can imagine). The great thing about Dr. Heal though is that he’s always flexible and willing to help his students. This is just one example I happened to contribute to.


  1. Hey! You didn't tell me about this! That's great! I'm sure your classmates really were happy to have the reprieve. Good on you, my Tyler.
