Thursday, March 28, 2013

That's what you get for being Greek, Archimedes

Yesterday during my analysis class, Dr. Heal taught us more about how to prove a limit exists. This powerful, fundamental proof is based on the Archimedean principle, which he illustrated on the white board. In fact, he wrote out the word “Archimedean” at one point, but he paused when he realized he wasn’t quite confident in his spelling.

DR. HEAL: (facing the white board) Is it an “i” or an “e”?
SOMEONE: It’s an “i”.

I could only see the second half of “Archimedean” because of where I was sitting, so I thought he was asking about the “e” at the end of “Archimedean”.

ME: No, it’s an “e”. Archimedes, Archimedean. It’s an “e”.

Dr. Heal paused again and looked at what he wrote. He still faced the white board.

DR. HEAL: No it isn’t, it’s an “i”. Whoever said that, you’re forgiven.
ME: (under my breath, but still rather audibly) You’re forgiven.
DR. HEAL: Who said that? (turns around and looks at me) Was that Tyler? (laughs)

He was obviously talking about the one and only “i” in “Archimedean”, so I misunderstood the question. But I guess I just feel comfortable in his class. I’m glad Dr. Heal could laugh about it.


  1. This Dr. Heal doesn't live up to his name does he? I like him!
